速報APP / 攝影 / Focus and Filter

Focus and Filter





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



Focus and Filter(圖1)-速報App

Focus and Filter app is Fingertip Art.

In Focus n filter makes your name in stylish art way.

In these app, an unique feature is "signature gesture".

Using focus n filter app you can make your name like your signature and also calligraphy and signography.

Focus and Filter(圖2)-速報App

Its draw your name in Fingertip Art.

You can make different Fingertip Art suggestion.

In these app,you can change your background colour and same as name colour.

Your Name size change as per your need.

Focus and Filter(圖3)-速報App

How to use focus n filter :

Write your name.

Select any Fingertip Art which you like.

If You like to change background colour or font colour than you do it.

Focus and Filter(圖4)-速報App

Save and with your friends on social media.

Focus and Filter(圖5)-速報App